About Us
Melissa Nance
Cancer changed my life. It left me with a new outlook. I realized that later is now and I had to get busy making my dreams a reality. I stepped away from my career as a nonprofit executive director to live the life of a traveling nomad. Before this I always lived near the Great Smoky Mountions in Tennessee. I have a daughter who just graduted from college and is a mini me only 20 years earlier. I love travel, cooking, reading, art, kayaking and hiking. I am a type A person doing my best to jump and run toward the fear in order to live my best life.

Wade Smith
Melissa here to tell you a little about Wade. He has called Indiana, Florida and Tennessee home. We met online and have been together for 7 years and married almost 2. He without hestation gave up his career to follow me on this crazy dream of mine. He is patient and kind and my friends like him. He loves music, sports and useless trivia, which has won us a few prizes in trivia! Animals love him!!! He is an animal whisper, the cats are pretty much his now and they only pay attentation to me if he is not around. He is up for almost anything I suggest so he makes for the perfect partner when you are traveling and going after your dreams!